
Kamis, 26 Januari 2017

Bahagia menjadi salah satu keluarga PPI Polandia

Hi all,
Kali ini aku akan share gimana sistem perkuliahan di Polandia.
Sistem kuliah di sini sama halnya dengan sistem-sistem di universitas di Eropa lainnya, yakni menggunakan ECT.
Nilai ECT ini berkisar 0-5.

Setahun yang lalu aku kuliah bahasa dulu di Universitas Lodz.
Aku belajar bahasa Polandia untuk sehari-hari, lalu pelajaran dasar seperti matematika, fisika biologi, dan kimia.

Lalu, saat ini aku melanjutkan study ke Universitas Silesia Katowice dengan jurusan Geofisika.
Kuliah di sini sangat menyenangkan karena aku bisa ketemu teman-teman baru.
Aku di sini kuliah dari Senin-Kamis dengan jadwal yang sedikit padat (tapi lebih padat waktu DIII dan DIV di STMKG).

O ya, selama kuliah di Polandia, kalian bisa ikut club di universitas atau kamu bisa bergabung jadi anggota PPI. Untukku, aku iseng-iseng kelompok club permainan kartu-kartu buat seru-seruan sama anak-anak jurusan Fisika di Matematika. Dan di PPI aku juga aktif sebagai pengurus PPI sebagai bendahara. O ya, kegiatan PPI seru-seru. Selama di sini, aku udah ikut beberapa kegiatan yang diselenggarakan PPI maupun KBRI, seperti Welcoming Ceremony, upacara 17 Agustus, konser, dll.

Selama di Polandia, kalian juga bisa jalan-jalan keliling Polandia atau ke negara-negara tetangga karena transportasi di sini sangat mudah diakses baik pake kereta atau bus :) pesawat lokal juga bisa :)

Selasa, 24 Januari 2017

Metal Price in the World

This summary i got from journal that has title "Cr, Cu, Mn, Mo, Ni, and Steel Commodity Price Influences, Version 1.1" from USGS

Price of metal has same influences with similiar characteristics.

Information from this journal consist :
>> production
>> consumption
>> stocks
>> trade
>> price
>> issues (industry) >> capacity, cost of production, material use and environmental issues

Import reliance >> net imports (import-export) + adjustments for stock changes.

Apparent consumption >> mining production + recycle production + net import reliance

Metal that are produced in the same geographic could affected by the same geographyc event, example :: earthquake or storm, change in business operating conditions such as labor relation or taxes.

Example of factors that influence raw materials price, include mining and material processing industry events >> such as changes in consumption, production, or stocks that result from mine or plant openings or closing, strikes, or technology changes.

The raw materials industry does not operate in isolation.

External influence ::
>> deflation of US dollar
>> the break up of the Soviet Union
>> Economic recessions
>> Rapid growth of the Chinese economy
>> trade restrictions

First look at the price of these metals together over a long time period (1900-2004) and then individually over a shorter time period ( 1991-2006)
>> unit value of apparent consumption, for some metal :: they represent a composite of forms
>> those reported in USGS Survey, mineral commodity summaries.

The major factor that influences :
>> International events such as war and recessions
>> National events such as the dissolution of the Soviet Union in 1991 and economic growth in China which started its open door policy in the 1970's (but not have significant market untill the 1990's)

Metal commodity price also responded to commodity - spesific events such as tariff or usage change or mine strikes.

China's consumption of these metals had increased substantially, making it the world's leading consumer of these metals.

Introduction of electromagnetic method to see under ground

The main point of EM method is permitivity and conductivity.
This value of Emdepend on water, ion, porosity, size of the grain (clay and silk), structure of rock, and influence of electrical permitivity.
If permeability low, the velocity will increase.

There is relationship between constant electrical and attenuation.
Air has constant electrical 1 and attenuation 0.
Salt water  has constant electrical 80 and attenuation 600.
Sand has  has constant electrical 20-30 and attenuation 0,03-0,3.
Ice  has constant electrical 3-4 and attenuation 0,01.

#Filter that i used
- DC Removal
- Background Removal
- Time-Zero Adjustment
- 2D Spatial Filtering
- Amplitude Correction
- Bandpass Filering

#Change time become depth and change epsilon become 3
- Choose Model
- Edit model
- Change epsilon become 3
- Apply

# Make 2 layers
- New Polygon
- Change epsilon become 1.4
- Change colour become green

- Click in the model

Sabtu, 14 Januari 2017

Interpretation of GPR data

This lecture i got it from dr Marta Kondracka Uniwersytet Śląski 

1. Create a file with Your Surname and Name as a Name of file, which will contain all the answers for next points.

2. Write a short essay about GPR methods (about 1 page - max. 2 pages) – description of the methods, applications, methods fixed offset profiling and CMP

3. Base on the catalog GPR_gr2 – list all files (file extension), which are created with the final GPR record – open them in the notepad and describe what GPR information they contain.

4. Open file “CMP example Hans” in RadExplorer – filter the data (DC removal, time-zero adjustment), using the “hyperbola” (toolbar) determine the dielectric constant/wave propagation velocity within the medium (3 hyperbola parameters) – save three images and copy it to Your project – describe them and compare obtained data with the data from table.

5. Open fixed offset profiling wrn.rad3 in RadExplorer filter the data using proper filters, using the model panel create one layer model for proper epsilon (using the information form the table and that the measurements were performed on the glacier) – copy it into Your file and describe it

6. Using the model panel create two-layer model for proper epsilon by creating new polygon (second layer) in model panel (using the information form the table and that the measurements were performed on the glacier) – copy it into Your file and compare it with the model from point 5.
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